All warm inside

Hi there. I'm writing this quickly as I have a biggish I.T. presentation to give tomorrow. Naturally I think i've done more than I need to, but hey, I enjoy it! I'm doing it on the Data Protection Act 1998 - it's quite interesting, but not nearly as interesting as some of the other topics. I'm doing it with Tom H, although to be honest, he hasn't done much - not because he doesn't want to - I havn't really let him! Ah well.
My new edition of .net arrived today - what a corker! It's the 150th issue, and they've really pulled out all the stops! It's packed with cool stuff, and it's been redesigned slightly - no How they built it section (which made me sad) and a different type of CD case. It's excellent though, and it's Carlton's last mag which makes everyone sad - he's going to play poker, the lazy man! It prompted the week's compo though...Included with the mag was a CSS2 chart - it's excellent. Well done .net!
I've finished the Momentum flier, and I'm really pleased with it. I sent it off to DWM, and I got this reply back.
"My, my David, I am very impressed. There might be a future for you in the graphic design business!!!"
Chuffed to bits :D
I downloaded IE 7 today, or the beta of it. It's pretty naff, nothing compared to Opera. I still don't understand why Firefox is so highly rated - yes you can customise it but Opera has everything you need!
Better get back to work (why does that sound so familiar?) Here's a picture of the leaflet. Enjoy

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