London week

I do believe it has been a week since I last posted you with an update on my life! I don't think I can ever remember what I did a week ago, which is both sad and a shame, as something exciting must have gone on in the last few days! At least, I hope so...
I'll start with what I can remember. Which isn't much. Sunday - I played sax with Abby, I think it went well. Then, in the evening, I went round to Coz's house, watched a film of which I've forgotten the name and had popcorn (which I semi-burnt - you can't forget that ... 3 foot flame!) It was a good evening. I remember trying to write my blog but not being allowed, getting banned from the computer etc, but it's all a bit hazy. Anyway, that explains my lack of postage.
Then it was time for the trip to London! Now bear in mind, my sister and I believed that we were going to London for the day, but my parents had infact booked us into a "Quality Hotel" (that's the name of the hotel chain) for two nights! How great! Now I could definately do all the sightseeing things and museums I wanted to go to!
We got up early on the Tuesday, travelled down to St Albans, caught the train in, and used the tube to get to various places. We went on the London Eye which was really good - however, it's impossible to take good pictures on it because it's just grey - London is grey! We then went to Trafalgar Sqaure, ate in Garfunkels, looked around and came home. We had a swim in the hotel pool which was fun.
Second day - we went to the Cabinet War Rooms, and they're really good. I'd recommend them to anyone interested in history and World War 2. There's loads of stuff there which is really good and interesting. In the afternoon, we walked down to Buckingham Palace, saw the guards change, and got in the way of television camera's, who were there recording stuff for the Queens birthday. Apparently, she'd invited a load of people for lunch, and they were recording it. Ok... In the evening we ate at Jimmy's, a greek restaurant in Soho. We walked past dozens of sex shops and clubs to get there, and when we did the place was pretty dirty. However, the food was good, so it wasn't all bad. My sister didn't like what she'd ordered and refused to eat it, so when we left we caught the tube (something I love doing - it's just so easy!) to Leciester Square, got her a McDonalds. We then had a Ben & Jerry's ice cream, and made our way home.
Our last day was as good as a last day can be. We went to the Science Museum, and although I am no fan of science - at school at least - it was good. We saw an exhibition on Pixar Animation - amazing. The quality of the drawings there is incredible. Go on the Pixar site to see some previews of the new film, Cars. Looks to be amazing. Then, we looked for somewhere to eat. We were outside the Oxford Circus tube station, and a worker came up to us, and asked us if we needed any help with our journey, as dad was looking at his guide book. He said no, and I said to him that "we're just looking for a place to eat". He told us about this GREAT cafe just around the corner called The Lido - he said all the "lads"(underground workers to you and me), that it was really nice and extremely cheap. So we tried it out, and he was right! It's great! The quality of food is superb and it was really nice. It's been there 61 years! I'm not surprised, but they must make a good profit. It was great. Then, me and mum walked up and down Oxford Street, I bought a few clothes, and then we all went back to The Lido for tea! I had a really nice lasagne.
It was time to go home. We left, travelled back on the train and drove home. It was a good time, and I do really love London. It's just sooooo big, the underground is soooo cool, and it's just got so much going on. You could live there for a million years and not see everything*.
Today's been mums birthday. I've got her a novel and a photo frame. Hope she likes it. We've got a curry as well - my sister and I were going to cook a all went wrong. Ah well...curry!
Here are some of my favourite shots from London - I'm not particularly pleased, a lot of them are blurred, and I don't think I was particularly creative. Ah well. You'll see more when I post them as my daily picture.

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