Good times

Well hello there. Havn't updated this for a while, and I can tell this is going to be a long post. Prepare yourselfs.
On Monday, I did nothing much - my working holiday just started. My parents took seriously a letter from my headmaster which said that most boys will have got a revision timetable sorted, and will have been revising for some time. Rubbish! The thing is, they believed it, and as a result this holiday is going to revolve around revision...and maybe one or two "enjoyable" activities. Anyway...Monday. I was due to meet Corinne and her friends, but my parents were idiots. They made me do work, and then as a result, left me with no choice to text Coz and say sorry, there's no point in me coming into town now because I'd have to come home soon. I was rather angry... Worship group was ok, but I had to play my sax....I'll let you make your own conclusions.
Tuesday - better than Monday anyway. I'm struggling now to remember what we did. You're in luck...I've just remembered. We started off the morning by visiting the dentist. My teeth were fine (yay!), and being the trendy dentist that he is, his dentist is amazingly cool. Very modern. He had these amazing canvases by theCanvasLounge, this one being a special favourite of mine - but they're all amazingly cool. Anyway - you can get your own ones printed by them - my photos are going to be hung in the dining room!
Then, we went onto Mitchels Art Centre - it's an old converted farm which I personally find very boring, overrated and expensive - but we had some cake and a drink there and my mother made a paticular note at the standards of food like she always does. There was a little studio there for acanvas, and the guy there was really nice. He knew his stuff (or so it seemed), and he did some photoshop editing which was quite impressive. The trouble is, being a future web designer, when I went on the websites for acanvas and thecanvaslounge, I compared them...and basically...thecanvaslounge a considerable amount. It had a good use of Flash, was nicely set out, and fairly easy to use (even though one of the sidebar content boxes messed up in Opera). acanvas had a looping Flash intro, which had pretty poor quality images, which for an image reproduction/editing/printing company isn't exactly brilliant. Also, the use of grammar was a bit bad. Also, before moving on, I did visit this place in Sutton whilst we were trying to find thecanvaslounge - and it was cool - it was all graffiti orientated, with stuff done using aerosols. It was cool, just not what we need.
So, later on Tuesday, I did some work, messed around, generally felt reasonably happy. been an excellent day! Got up, did some R.E. revision, and then went to my Multimedia Magic course at Aston University (I havn't posted a link because I think soon enough it will be taken off their site). It was done by Dr Jo Smedley..she seemed really nice. However, the course was really for BEGINNERS. By that I mean...draw a cirle, then remove the stroke, then create a keyframe. It was good, just too simple. I understand Flash is an expensive program, and that not many people would be expected to have it (if any), but this was meant to be a gifted and talented trip. It was just too basic, and went really quickly. She had a slideshow, but after we'd done her little tasks, we basically had free run to mess around in Flash - she did say create an advert, but it was very loose. She also showed us this website all about colour - it's a brilliant demonstation of Flash and really useful. The course did however make me feel a bit chuffed that I was above the "beginner" stage.
Anyway, just before I left for the course, my mum spotted an Amazon box shoved under the back of her car! Yes! It had come! My beautiful tablet had arrived! It was however, extremely worrying. My sister said she saw a man when she was watching Tv, who came, wrote a note and just shoved the package under the car without knocking. Now that's bad - he didn't even knock, and just left it there. Admittedly it couldn't really be seen from the pavement, but still. It's £200 worth of beauty! Anyway, I got home from my course all exited to open it up and use it! It's BRILLIANT! I love it! It's really big, has a free mouse and stylus holder which is a bonus, and it just is COOL! To boot, my headset came as well, and the sound quality is brilliant, and it's really secure and comfortable, much better than my last headset which is now sitting ontop of the printer, looking dejected.
Sue Bant's come over this evening, we had a nice meal, and watched Grand Designs together. It was cool.
Wow this is long, and if you've bothered reading this far I award a medal for persistance. Hope you've enjoyed it! Been listening to DCFC a's brilliant!Oh, and here's a picture of some fruit I drew with the tablet :)

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