Blue line garden, circus, square

1st April. A new day for a whole new face (again) of wakingupsober. I'm rather pleased. In one day I've added the contact me page, a favicon, solved the problem of the banner and one or two other things I can't remember to tell you. I really like it too. I spent a while clicking on the next blog feature on the blogger bar - which reminds me to tell you I found the code to hide that - on the "competition", and well...there are some interesting and nice sites out there. Bottled-updreamz was one I found which I liked, and also factory of creations were two really nice ones, inspiring. Yet, for all my searching, I found countless blogs that were boring, nothing interetsing, and still with "Edit-me" links in the sidebar. I'd like to think that my own blog was really nice, cool and interesting, but I really don't know.
Today, I've done...jack all! Went to my tutors in the morning, and did a load of maths coursework, which I'm doing now as well as this. Listening to Feeder, and feeling in a different mood. The curtains are open and I can see the fairly quiet road, and it's all springy. Bring it on I say.
The picture is like an old friend, took it, and it was what started off a very special collection to me, and I really like it. Hope you do too. The Feeder guitar is so soft, it's gorgeous. "Growing old with you, it's what I want to do". Love 'em. Th e post title also refers to the London underground, Picadily Circus, Covent Garden, and Leciester Square. I have an urge to be there...which will be satisfied in the holidays.
Well, seems to be all for now. Enjoy.
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