Hi. Sorry I havn't posted in two whole days - terrible to keep my fans waiting I know. I am sincerly sorry. Blame it on my parents - grounded on Friday and not allowed on the computer! It was terrible. Then yesterday, I was out all day and didn't have any time. So it is today that I finally update you on how I am. I am ok. Well...now that's over and done with..I can tell you some alarming news.
I read the other day on the amazing .net forum (Here's the link to the actual post) that there was a scam going on at Amazon (not by Amazon, obviously) but that people on there were selling fake 1GB memory sticks. This obviously alarmed me because although I havn't bought one as of yet, I was about to, and this is rather lucky. However - Costco has come to the rescue, as when my mother was browsing there yesterday saw one, and now I'll get one from there.
Friday was boring - nothing eventful, and Saturday was good. Saw the Pink Panther with some friends, then went back to his house, had fun then came home. Church was good this morning, and my playing was average/good. I've spent this afternoon taking pictures for the site banner I'm designing - you'll see all too soon. I've got various idea's...and the great thing is I'm thinking about how the tablet will help - I really can't wait! I must get back onto Wacom and chose one - so that I can look around for good prices. Fun fun!
The photograph is of some woodblocks I saw whilst on holiday. Enjoy. Ok...it isn't letting me, but I'll get it up as soon as possible. Ah ha. Got it up now. Also, I've deleted various unnecessary content from the sidebars - now it only contains the essentials. I'd really better get back to doing my art....
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