Hello. Generally I am ok - looking forward to the weekend and a break from school. Hopefully going to see the Pink Panther film and go round to a friends for a sleepover - should be good fun, the only problem being that I have to leave at 9 - places to be, people to see etc.
Today was ok - school was normal, and my drama teacher is back from the dead! She's been off for ages - so I started singing..."guess who's back, from the dead, medway's back" etc, to the tune of that Eminem song of which I don't know the name. Think I did average in my Chemistry test. I don't really care about it though!
Moving onto more interesting topics, I've been looking through the code for this blog, trying to understand it - I'm failing generally, but there are some areas that I'm understanding which is good. I tried opening it up in Dreamweaver, but it didn't help - I'll wait till the arrival of the tablet before doing too much, but in the meanwhile read through the code.
I've also spent quite a lot of time going through and choosing the "best of the best" out of my pictures I've taken. Quite pleased with the results - it's something I've been meaning to do for a while, and it means I can get rid of the stupid Coldplay screensaver, which for some reason I downloaded. I've also gone through some images taking sections of them and editing them - nothing much, just changing the levels and exposure slightly.
I spend too much time on the computer, and I realised that I need to do more practicle work. Ah well. It can wait. Probably edit later on, or create a new post like I did last night. Which reminds me to tell you (my avid readers, awaiting my next post with madness) that I've come to the conclusion that I should post a mid way through the evening, so I have more interesting things to talk about than just school. I rushed home yesterday to tell you all my...exciting...news.
Wow this blog is long - I think the longest I've ever done so far. Enjoy.
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