Well, did say that I wouldn't, but in my break from revision I've come on to update my blog. It's really only to say one or two changes to the site, and that's about it.
I've changed to a proper copyright symbol in the footer now, makes me feel a little better, and I've also added the Javascript for Google Analytics, so now I can see how few people visit my site. Quite disheartening, although...you may notice on the side there is a link to r3new, the online digital portfolio for none other than Mr Samuel Rayner. It's XHTML valid, although not CSS valid because the W3C curentl doesn't recognise opacity settings, and is accesible too. Good job! (that makes me sound cheesy and American...Is that a bad thing?) Yup, it's a cool site, however.....not as cool as mine will be!
Yeah, things are going ok in my new website design. It's going to be a Flash site, but I'm looking deeply into how to make it accessible - and yes, it can be done! - I even started a topic on .net which can be found here, and it prompted an interesting, if not heated debate. Well, basically, because of my advances in Flash and my big break from blogging, this site is looking a little shoddy. The pages are messed up, backgrounds change, links dissappear, and copyright symbols change. However, trust me - I'm still going to use this site, and after my own proper website is finished, I will take time to make this the best it can be. Hopefully by buying it it's own URL, and creating the pages properly. That way, I can practice my CSS and HTML. I've looked into hosting, and at the moment the main contenders are GoDaddy and 1and1, although I've just thought of Fasthosts. Must remember to look into them. GoDaddy seem to be slightly more expensive, and offer better sizes etc, but 1and1 are cheaper, and although I've heard a few bad things about their Customer Service, I've also heard that they're pretty damn reliable. I did look into 2Advanced hosting, but it's very expensive. Done by the guys at 2Advanced...my website may be similar to that...a little!
Well, that's about all. I've gone all techy! Oh yeah, DWM sent me 50 copies of my fliers, which I finished. Picture to follow...!
Back to revision then....after tomorrow the worst is over...tomorrow...Biology, History and Chemistry...killer!